Wednesday 27 June 2012

Tutorial 2 - Essay Quiz & Project

1. Discuss the differences among multimedia, interactive multimedia, hypertext, and hypermedia.

  • The combination of text, graphic and audio elements into a single collection or presentation.
    Interactive Multimedia
  • Give the user some control over what information is viewed and when it is viewed.
  • Provides a structure of linked elements through which a user can navigate and interact.    
  • The words, sections and thoughts are linked, the user can navigate through the text in a nonlinear way, quickly and intuitively.

2. Your boss wants you to create a hypermedia system for Web visitors to find technical support information about your company. What are some of the implications in creating this system? Should you hand-build the links or use an automatic indexing system? Why?

Hypermedia is used as a logical extension of the term hypertext in which graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks intertwine to create a generally non-linear medium of information. This contrasts with the broader term multimedia, which may be used to describe on-interactive linear presentation as well as hypermedia. Hypermedia includes use of sound, video, image and text. 

This will attract the user and helps the user to know about the product of the company more easily and this will definitely improve both communication between the user and company. The user can view and test the product so for as view of the product is concerned. However, the hypermedia restricts the speed of the web and it also enhances the time taken for opening the site. 

So for as the use of hand build indexing system and automatic indexing is concerned, it is the glue that holds the content together. It is the layer of order which makes the data base product, robust, and responsive, thus best ever to serve the needs of the organization. However without automatic indexing, one may find the precise bit of data that will ignite a new market. 

Advance Indexing System is an automatic link generation enhances reusability of the multimedia material after it is organized in a lesson structure. This approach allows authors to create different context-based presentations starting from the expected skill of the target users. Advanced indexing schemes will be further available for dynamic and interactive hypermedia generation.

Project 2.3

Access a computer. Identify two programs that allow you to manipulate text. Write some text in varied styles and fonts. Print the results. For each, list:

§       The program’s name.
§    The ways in which that program allows you to change text. Can you easily change the font? The color? The style? The spacing?


A notepad program provide navigation format button to choose a font format to change the font. This is a simple program which can’t change the color of the font and font spacing but can easily change into a different type of font, font style (Regular, Bold, Italic) and size of font with limited choice available and the change of font only can be viewed on a notepad itself.

You are seen, heard and valued

Microsoft Word

A user - friendly program for all users regardless they are pro or newbie because it is very easy to use and to manage which can create a different sort of font, size, color, style, spacing line or text highlight color. In addition, we also can put some effect on text such as superscript, subscript, strikethrough and so on.

You are seen, heard and valued
You are seen, heard and valued
You are seen, heard and valued

Project 2.4

Create a new document in a word processing application. Next, type in a line of text and copy the line five times. Now change each line into a different font. Recopy the entire set of lines three times. Finally, change the size of the first set to 10-point text, the second set to 18-point text, and the third set to 36-point text.

§ Which of the smallest lines of text is most readable?
 - The most readable text of the smallest lines is SET 1 at line number 4.

§ Which line of text stands out the most?
 - The line of text that stands out of the most is SET 3 at line number 2.

SET 1:

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

SET 2:

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

SET 3:

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

“Words are powerful vessels. In a second they can transport us from one state of consciousness to another.”

1 comment:

  1. can you post the chapter 13 Designing for the
    World Wide Web answers to essay quiz? :) please thank you....
